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Caipirinha image


Canario Cachaca, Limette, Rohrzucker

8,90 €

Mojito image


Havana Club 3 anos, Limette, Minze, Rohrzucker, Soda

9,90 €

Cuba Libre image

Cuba Libre

Havana Club 7 anos, Limette, Coca-Cola

9,90 €

Moscow Mule image

Moscow Mule

Finlandia, Limettensaft, Gurke, Spicy Ginger Ale

9,90 €

Dark & Stormy image

Dark & Stormy

Goslings Black Seal Rum, Limettensaft, Spicy Ginger Ale, Angostura Bitter

10,90 €

Lynchburg Lemonade image

Lynchburg Lemonade

Jack Daniel´s, Triple Sec, Limette, Sprite

10,90 €

Rhabarbra Streisand image

Rhabarbra Streisand

Caramel Vodka, Zitronensaft, Kardamon, ViO Rhabarberschorle

10,90 €

Bramble image


Fords Gin, Zuckersirup, Zitronensaft und Hausgemachte Brombeer-Tinktur

10,90 €

Hawaii Five-O image

Hawaii Five-O

Hibiskus-infused Amaretto, Limettensaft, schwarzes Hawaiisalz, Grapefruit Limonade

10,90 €

Old Fashioned image

Old Fashioned

Woodford Reserve Distillers Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon, Angostura Aromatic Bitter, Orangenzeste, Zucker

10,90 €

Whiskey Sour image

Whiskey Sour

Woodford Reserve Distillers Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon, frischer Zitronensaft, Zucker, Aquafaba

10,90 €

Mint Smash image

Mint Smash

Gentleman Jack, frische Zitrone, Zuckersirup und frische Minze

10,90 €

Aperol Sour image

Aperol Sour

Aperol, frische Zitrone, Zuckersirup und Orangensaft

9,90 €

Salted Caramel Sour image

Salted Caramel Sour

Botucal Reserva Exclusiva, frischer Zitronensaft, Aquafaba, Saltet Caramel Sirup

10,90 €

Popcorn Rum Sour image

Popcorn Rum Sour

Botucal Reserva Exclusiva, frischer Zitronensaft, Aquafaba, Popcorn Sirup

12 €

Espresso Martini image

Espresso Martini

Finlandia Vodka, Kalua, Espresso, Vanille & Tonka, Homemade Night Owl Bitters

10,90 €


Aperol Spritz

Prosecco, Aperol, Orangenscheiben, Soda

6,90 €


Prosecco, Minze, Limettenscheibe, Holundersirup, Soda

6,90 €

Lillet Wild Berry

Lillet, Goldberg Wild Berry, Himbeeren

6,90 €

Alkoholfreie Cocktails


Limette, Rohrzucker, Maracujanektar, Grenadine

6,90 €


Limette, Rohrzucker, Thomas Henry Ginger Ale

6,90 €

Sommer Specials


Vodka, Zitronensaft, Vanillesirup, Orangensaft und Maracujasaft

10,90 €

Blue Lagoon

Vodka, Blue Curacao, Zitronensaft, Apfelsirup

10,90 €

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